Vocational Prayers

Vocational Prayer: For Those Experiencing Change at Work

For those changing projects, organizations, or taking on new responsibilities, Lord, your unwavering love enables us to trust in and through you during this change. When we are quick to grasp for control, loosen our grip – give us open hands and hearts in tune with your guidance. Gentle our hearts to your words found in Scripture – you make known your ways. 

As our Good Shepherd, we know that you are with us – through every season. We entrust our lives to you. Guide us through whatever the days ahead hold with our focus ever fixed on you. 

Vocational Prayer: Through the overflow of your love, may we love those around us

For our workplaces, as we enter into our vocations this week, align our hopes and longings with you, Oh Lord. Whether we serve in healthcare, finance, education, work from home, or work in the home–may those around us see more of you through our words and actions. Grant us tender hearts toward the unexpected stories we may encounter this week. Quicken our hearts to repent of our sin more than to defend our sin. May we seek reconciliation and peace over passivity in conflict. May the pace of our week be at the pace of your grace.

A Prayer for Peace When Feeling Overwhelmed at Work

God who is with me,

You know what I need before I even quiet myself to ask (Matthew 6:8). At this moment, I am feeling burdened under the weight of my work, feeling overwhelmed at the tasks laid before me.

I feel the pressure to succeed and the fear of failure in my bones. I worry I may not be up to the task. I fear the approaching of deadlines, the meeting of expectations. My body feels heavy with dread.

God who is with me, I bring these anxieties to You and ask that You would meet me in them. Help me remember that these worries are not trivial to You, but that you deeply care about these details of my life.

Bring to my mind previous times of fear and worry, and how I have overcome similar challenges before by Your Spirit.

Lead me beside still waters. Slow my racing thoughts. Bring me back to this present moment. Don’t abandon me in my anxiety.

Lord, I care about this work and ask that You would help me complete it faithfully. While I do not yet know the outcome, I know You have a good plan for my life and for my work.

Help me to trust in Your provision, and may that trust begin to take up more space in my heart and mind. Equip me with the patience, energy, persistence, and courage I need to do this work, and remind me of Your love for me, no matter the outcome.


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A Prayer for Becoming More Aware of God's Presence at Work

Good and gracious God,

As I prepare to walk in this new work day, lead me into Your presence and unfailing love. You who are Immanuel, God with us, have promised to be with me always.

As the Psalmist asks, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” (Ps. 139:7). You, O God, are the One in whom my soul finds refuge.

On this day, filled with its own to-do lists and tasks that require my efforts and attention, grant me the grace of sensing your nearness. You desire to dwell with me all the days of my life.

Open my soul to become more aware of Your presence throughout the day, and help me trust that You are with me, even when I struggle to feel so.

Teach me to see this day not as an obstacle in the way of experiencing intimacy with You, but rather as holy ground that You will stand with me on.

Help me see this day as another opportunity to commune with You. Slow my spirit to walk in step with You.


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A Vocational Prayer for Government Workers

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Dear Lord, 

Thank you for every public servant involved in governing our cities, our states, and our country. Help them to see that they are Your servants first and foremost.

Give our leaders grace to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before You. May they defend the oppressed, protect the virtuous, and discipline wrongdoers. Please give them wisdom to enact laws and regulations that foster an environment where every citizen can flourish spiritually, socially, and physically.

Father, You are the Just Administrator. We pray for those who collect taxes, protect neighborhoods, enable commerce; for those who enforce regulations for housing, building safety, and the environment; for those who ensure our roads are safe, manage budgets and citizenship rights, and our right to vote. Help them to understand the value of their work before You. Show them that they are functioning as nothing less than Your servants, carrying out Your purposes for the well-being of every citizen. Keep them from abusing their power or exploiting their position for anything other than for the common good of all citizens. May they do their work well and as an act of service to You.

While exercising our responsibilities as citizens to speak up for righteousness and stand up against evil, teach us how to honor and pay our debt of love toward those with whom we disagree. Keep far from us rebellious attitudes and hateful and snarky speech, unbecoming of a child of God. May no critical word leave our mouths that has not been spoken humbly before Your throne as we pray fervently for those who serve in government. 

Lord we confess it is hard to see to see through this current climate. And each of these workers stands in the middle of it – endeavoring to do good work. Remind us that each person working in these sectors is created in Your image, and remind these workers they have an opportunity to work toward truth, beauty. and justice even though it can seem overwhelmingly dark at times. 

Thank you, God, for seeing every act, hearing every word, and knowing every motive of every person. There is no unspoken thought, no political payoff, no back-room deal, no hidden motive which escapes Your notice. You are the all-knowing, perfect, and righteous judge. 

Lord, allow disagreement to help us flourish rather than wither, come together rather than divide.  Lord, help us find third ways of framing things – ways that bind rather than tear apart.  

Lord, thank You for Your dominion and reign over every living thing and over the entire universe. There is not one square inch of creation over which you do not cry, “Mine!” Nor is there any leader’s heart beyond Your reach. We ask for You to accomplish Your divine will through these workers, no matter their commitment to follow You. Lord, turn their hearts to accomplish Your will. Whoever our leaders may be, we ask You to turn their hearts so that Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth--in our country, states, and cities--as it is in heaven.

This we ask in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, who regularly and beautifully summons order out of chaos.


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A Vocational Prayer for Entrepreneurs


Editor’s Note: This prayer was originally written by Missy Wallace, Founder of NIFW and current Vice President & Executive Director of the Global Faith & Work Initiative.

Dear Lord,

As we come to You to honor vocations as a way our people serve You in the world, we are thankful for those who feel a calling to start new things - new businesses, new products, and new initiatives.  

Entrepreneurs are like artists  - and perhaps more than any other vocation have the opportunity to model what God did in Genesis: create something out of nothing, bring structure out of chaos, and hope to call it good. Lord, it is a great honor to create things, and that creative gift comes from You.  We thank You for those with the wiring, the risk tolerance, and the willingness to create.  We ask for Your help with the incredible stress and isolation that can come from this calling as they dream about products and processes,  adjust plans, seek funding, serve customers, create cultures, and find ways to achieve sustainability. 

Lord, we know that like all, entrepreneurs are broken and they also work in broken systems.  We ask for forgiveness for the the particular areas of brokenness that can plague entrepreneurism -  such as confusing aspiration and reality, over-work, greed, and treating people transactionally.  Please protect these workers from these pitfalls and forgive them when they make their work their idol. 

We recognize that entrepreneurs have the incredible opportunity to bring redemption to the world in the way they love people, places and systems to life.  Whether it is the way they care for suppliers and customers, choose policies that honor the integrity of employees, or find ways to seek a redemptive edge in all processes, we ask for your Spirit to infuse their labor.  We ask that each entrepreneur see their undertaking as a way to love and worship You as they create. 

Lord, we thank You for each and every entrepreneur in our city - because the best way to change culture is to create new culture, and entrepreneurs are creators. We ask You to use them as part of Your story for Nashville and beyond. We ask that they know that You are their ultimate Savior, not what they create. 

In Your Son’s name, we pray.


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A Vocational Prayer for Those Who Work in Capital Markets, Finance, and Accounting


Dear Lord, 

As we come to You to honor vocations as a way we serve You in the world, we are thankful for all those involved in bringing structure out of the chaos around money - around assets and liabilities, around investing and borrowing, around valuing and extracting, around managing cash, around counting, measuring and profiting. 

Lord, may we remember that a man can only serve one master. Finance, more than any other vocation, evokes feelings of confusion to some Christians. Finance very much reveals elements of God’s character around order and structure. Like God, healthy finance can allocate needed resources across time, and across heterogeneous groups of people. Like God, finance depends on promises. Like God’s creation mandate, finance increases human productivity from sharing resources socially for mutual benefit.

But like all systems and industries, the fall and our sin has impacted finance. Finance can be associated with greed and extortion. It can be manipulative  and opaque. It can serve the rich and leave the poor behind. It can seem the source of all power. But we know, Lord, that You can and do and will redeem all things in Your creation. May those of us who work in finance see clearly the role we can play in the redemption of the finance industry.

Lord, we pray for each and every person working in this very important function of our economy.  Whether they are running the spreadsheets, assessing the credit, selling the services, or orchestrating the deals, may their work reflect Your beauty, truth, and goodness. May they know that their work matters. How could companies run, employees get paid, houses and companies be bought and sold without the order of finance?   

Lord we ask Your blessing on each and every worker in finance.  We pray that Your Spirit allows them to be present to the role You would have them play as they point to You in the way they love people, places and things to life.

As we your people go to work even this week, we pray that the outworking of the gospel be always evident in our work, that our service as a worker might be ever reckoned and received as service first rendered unto You, O Christ. 

And we ask all this in the name of your Son,


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A Vocational Prayer for Parenting on Mother's Day


Heavenly Father, 

Today we honor the vocation of parenting. On a day when our Western culture celebrates mothers, we too recognize the hard work of parenting and the holiness of its nature. We also note the pain that Mother's Day can surface for some, including those who long for children, have lost a child, have lost their mothers, or are estranged in a mother-child relationship.

Family is one of God’s ordained structures to promote human flourishing, and the importance of family is clear from the first pages of Scripture to the last. Being a part of the family of God allows us all to experience multiple roles, as children of God our Father, as brothers and sisters in Christ, and as spiritual parents to younger believers. Please give us godly community in which to raise our children up in knowledge of and love for You. 

 To be able to influence and mold children, about whom Jesus said, "Let them come to me," is an honor and privilege.  It can also be a great joy.  Parenting -- whether as biological parents or as "spiritual" parents, allows us to reflect some of the most beautiful parts of God’s character, including more “maternal” attributes such as His love, His discipline, His kindness, His fairness, His mercy, His creativity, and His nurturing. 

Yet the difficulties and complexities of parenting can overwhelm both us and the children whose lives we steward. When we are tempted by the need for perfection and performance, may our children remind us of the gifts of laughter, joy, and adventure. The conflicts are many - their tantrums and our desire for peace; their mess and our yearning for order, their focus on the present and our obsession with looking to the future,  their desire for autonomy and our worship of control. 

 We pray for a posture in our homes, our church, and our world that welcomes children, and encourages us all toward a childlike faith and reliance on you, Father God. 

 Fill our homes with laughter, grace, memories, moments of collective weakness, and moments of unexpected joy. Help us point our children to You first, as we pray out loud together, repent to each other, laugh with each other, and cry with each other.

 Parent us first, so that we may parent through the endless well of patience, wisdom, and peace You promise us in your Word. 

 For all of this we give you thanks in Jesus.


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A Vocational Prayer for Healthcare Workers

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Our Great Physician, 

You are creator and sustainer of our bodies, minds, and souls. Your Word says that you knit each of our bodies together in our mother’s womb. We know that you, like our medical providers, care deeply about our physical health. Thank you for the doctors and nurses, physical therapists and lab technicians, and all those who serve as your hands and feet to bring healing to the sick and the hurting. 

Remind us, Lord, that every patient who walks into a hospital or medical office is your beloved child, made in your image. May the care with which our healthcare providers practice medicine reflect the dignity of those they treat. In the busyness of appointments, surgeries, rounds, and other duties, help them remember they are agents of your grace to the suffering. 

Father, our doctors and nurses are all too familiar with the physical pain, sickness, and suffering of others. As they grow weary of meeting the brokenness of this world with compassion, we ask you to renew them. Fill them with your healing presence, your patience, and your heart for the hurting. God of all comfort, be near them as they minister to the suffering, so that they might be able to meet their hurting patients with the abundant comfort that you share with us in Christ. 

Lord, we know the day’s tasks pile up far too quickly. Charting. Expenses. Appointments. Meetings. Procedures. Our healthcare workers are under pressure to meet administrative and financial expectations alongside their medical duties. Sustain them in the balancing act between efficiency and care. Give them your wisdom, that they may know when to linger and when to move on. Remind them that they are not alone in their responsibilities, and give them the freedom to rest in you, Lord, the source of all healing. 

God, we know that you are making all things new, and that you intend to fully restore us, body, mind, and soul, when you return to be with us. Until that day, give us the vision to work towards the wellness of our neighbors, the perseverance to faithfully care for the hurting, and the wisdom to provide excellent treatment to those charged to our care. 


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A Vocational Prayer for Working Parents

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Dear Heavenly Father,

As we consider the serious challenges presented by the pandemic, we give thanks and intercede for those that are currently parents working at home, balancing their family commitments and their job responsibilities simultaneously.

Lord, You have given great honor to all work, both paid and unpaid.  As your image bearers, You have created us to work and create. You delight in all honest labor, even the unseen works of our hands. Faithfully folding laundry, washing dishes, or putting numbers on a spreadsheet are equally honoring in Your sight. 

We know that being faithful to both callings—in parenting and vocationally—has never been easy. In our current moment, however, COVID-19 has magnified the challenges facing many parents to balance the increasing demands of work alongside caring for their children at home. For others, the stress of finding and paying for childcare or making decisions about whether to send their children back to school this fall weighs heavily on their minds. You know their hearts, and You see their struggles. Remind them that You are the ultimate provider.

Our vocational lives have been disrupted in different ways. For working parents whose volume of work has increased in light of the pandemic, grant them the peace that comes with knowing that You are in control. For those working early in the morning and late into the night, we ask for the gift of Sabbath rest. Sustain these working parents against burnout and exhaustion. When it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day, allow them to experience Your yoke that is easy and Your burden that is light. 

Lord, refresh working parents with an invigorated sense that their work matters to You and to their neighbors, regardless of the task. Help them to see with clear vision the ways that their work can be a conduit of grace for those around them, especially now. Remind them that their labor is not in vain, and establish the work of their hands. Keep them from equating their worth with their output, and instead remind them that their identity is rooted in You. Our work may shift, but God, You do not change.

Lord, we thank You for working parents who are seeking to be faithful in their personal and professional lives. Help them to love their families and serve their work well, and remind them of your grace when it all feels like too much to do. You have called them to be faithful—not perfect— in their callings as workers and parents. Send your Spirit to be with them. Bring healing where there is pain, peace where there is anxiety, comfort where there is fear, wisdom where there is uncertainty, and fellowship where there is loneliness.

Lord, we trust that You are making all things new, and we eagerly look to that future day where all things will be restored to perfect harmony. Give us the gift of vision to notice and to celebrate the places where Your kingdom is breaking in here on earth today—even when it may be harder to see. 


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A Vocational Prayer for Education, Students and Teachers


Dear Lord, 

As we come to you to honor vocations as a way our people serve you in the world, we are aware of the extraordinary ways that those in education reflect your character. Educators reflect your wisdom, your creativity, your patience, your diligence, and your love.  Lord, Your imprint is on each and every person contributing to education and like you, they yearn to bring structure out of chaos through offering paths to wisdom and truth. Whether it is through showing the order of numbers, the beauty of a well written passage, the magnificent intricacy of a cellular process, or the power of a well done spreadsheet or marketing plan, education allows us to understand a little more about the world you created and through that to understand you.  

Lord may we be aware that the falls impacts all work, including education.  We ask for your forgiveness in the many ways educators and students may exhibit their personal brokenness which can show up so many ways from  - overwork to sloth, jealousy, creating an idol of education, being smug about the role of the educators versus other vocations, or relying on oneself to use education as the savior instead of you.  Lord we ask for your forgiveness regarding the systemic problems in education - for the unequal access in our community and beyond.

You have in your loving and wonderful way placed each and every person in education in their roles as part of your plan to redeem all of creation.  And Lord you sent us the perfect teacher in your son Jesus Christ. May we rest in all that he has done for us. Please use these educators and students as part of your story for Nashville and beyond.  And we ask all this in the name of your son Jesus Christ, the best teacher in the history of the world. Amen. 

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