A Vocational Prayer for Government Workers

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Dear Lord, 

Thank you for every public servant involved in governing our cities, our states, and our country. Help them to see that they are Your servants first and foremost.

Give our leaders grace to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before You. May they defend the oppressed, protect the virtuous, and discipline wrongdoers. Please give them wisdom to enact laws and regulations that foster an environment where every citizen can flourish spiritually, socially, and physically.

Father, You are the Just Administrator. We pray for those who collect taxes, protect neighborhoods, enable commerce; for those who enforce regulations for housing, building safety, and the environment; for those who ensure our roads are safe, manage budgets and citizenship rights, and our right to vote. Help them to understand the value of their work before You. Show them that they are functioning as nothing less than Your servants, carrying out Your purposes for the well-being of every citizen. Keep them from abusing their power or exploiting their position for anything other than for the common good of all citizens. May they do their work well and as an act of service to You.

While exercising our responsibilities as citizens to speak up for righteousness and stand up against evil, teach us how to honor and pay our debt of love toward those with whom we disagree. Keep far from us rebellious attitudes and hateful and snarky speech, unbecoming of a child of God. May no critical word leave our mouths that has not been spoken humbly before Your throne as we pray fervently for those who serve in government. 

Lord we confess it is hard to see to see through this current climate. And each of these workers stands in the middle of it – endeavoring to do good work. Remind us that each person working in these sectors is created in Your image, and remind these workers they have an opportunity to work toward truth, beauty. and justice even though it can seem overwhelmingly dark at times. 

Thank you, God, for seeing every act, hearing every word, and knowing every motive of every person. There is no unspoken thought, no political payoff, no back-room deal, no hidden motive which escapes Your notice. You are the all-knowing, perfect, and righteous judge. 

Lord, allow disagreement to help us flourish rather than wither, come together rather than divide.  Lord, help us find third ways of framing things – ways that bind rather than tear apart.  

Lord, thank You for Your dominion and reign over every living thing and over the entire universe. There is not one square inch of creation over which you do not cry, “Mine!” Nor is there any leader’s heart beyond Your reach. We ask for You to accomplish Your divine will through these workers, no matter their commitment to follow You. Lord, turn their hearts to accomplish Your will. Whoever our leaders may be, we ask You to turn their hearts so that Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth--in our country, states, and cities--as it is in heaven.

This we ask in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, who regularly and beautifully summons order out of chaos.


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